It's easier than ever to put just about any expense on your credit card. You can pay your health insurance premium, utility bills and more with your cards. If you're able to pay off your credit card balance every month and get some free miles on your favorite airline...
If you have a child or other family member who is unable to get the loan or credit card they want on their own, they may ask you to be a cosigner or joint account holder. Before agreeing to do this, it's essential to understand what this could mean for you --...
When credit card debt piles up, it's easy to believe that your entire financial situation is heading down the drain. While you're in a tight spot, it doesn't mean you should give up. There are many ways to quickly pay down credit card debt, including the following:...
If you regularly use your credit card, it's important to closely monitor your statements. While you won't catch a mistake very often, these can occur from time to time. For example, you may find a purchase on your credit card statement that you didn't make. Maybe you...
If you've tried everything but your credit card debt continues to grow, it may be time to contact your issuer to discuss your situation. This is much better than missing payments, hiding from your credit card company and hoping things miraculously improve in the...
As your credit card debt mounts, you may feel like there's no way out. While this is a difficult spot to find yourself in, there are many ways to escape credit card debt to improve your financial situation. A personal loan is one of the better ways to pay off credit...
There is nothing more frustrating and stressful than learning that your credit card account has been sent to collections. This will impact many areas of your finances, including your credit report and credit score. It's important to understand your legal rights when...
During your marriage, it's easy to fall into the habit of using credit cards to pay for a variety of expenses. While there's nothing wrong with this, your good intentions can soon turn into a high credit card balance. If you find yourself in debt and decide to...
In a perfect world, you would always pay your credit card balance in full. This allows you to keep your debt to a minimum while also avoiding interest charges. However, depending on your financial situation, this may not be possible. If you find that a high interest...
If you come to find that you have debt spread across multiple credit cards, it's imperative to devise a plan for paying it down as quickly as possible. As you make progress, you'll begin to feel better about the future of your finances. Many consumers trying to pay...