Drowning in debt creates stress for many Louisiana residents. Unfortunately, it isn't a problem that is likely to go away anytime soon. Some individuals can't manage to keep up with the minimum payments, and they think that they won't ever get out of debt. For some,...
If all you did was take a passing glance, you might start to think that Chapter 7 bankruptcy is more beneficial for the average person in Louisiana then Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves the immediate discharge of unsecured debts if the courts...
Dealing with overwhelming debts can feel extremely stressful, and can ignite panic or denial for many. Panicking about debt can be a bad thing to do because it can lead to making irrational decisions. For example, some people decide to take out high-interest loans...
Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a big decision that will impact your life now and in the future. Once you understand what the process entails, it's easier to get on board with the idea of efficiently moving forward. Here are five things you should collect before...
There are many good reasons to consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy, including the ability to catch up on your debt over the course of your repayment plan. While it's easy to focus on the benefits of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, you should also learn more about some of...
With Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can use your regular monthly income to repay some or all of your debt. Doing this over the course of three to five years goes a long way in helping you keep your assets. Here are some reasons to choose Chapter 13 bankruptcy: Avoid...
There may come a time when you stand back and realize your debt is more than you can handle. You may have made some bad choices when during the holidays or you may have lived off credit cards between employment.Regardless of how the debt happened, you must now face...
If you have delinquent debts, then you've likely received your fair share of harassing calls from collection agencies. What you may not be aware of is that there's a limit to how a debt collector can engage with you. If their interaction with you goes beyond a certain...
Although many consumers gravitate toward Chapter 7 bankruptcy as it provides a fresh start within several months, you may come to find that you don't qualify. In this case, you'll probably want to learn more about Chapter 13 bankruptcy. There are many benefits of this...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide a lot of benefits to the individual filer. As with all chapters of bankruptcy though, there are some downsides to filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Today, we would like to discuss the many different positives and negatives of filing...