Many people neglect to even consider bankruptcy because they're concerned about losing their home. While it's a legitimate concern, there is no guarantee you won't be able to stay in your home after your bankruptcy filing is complete. There are three points of...
Everyone runs into financial difficulties from time to time. However, there may come a time when you face a serious financial concern that has the potential to impact your life in a number of ways. Bankruptcy has the potential to save you from a variety of serious...
Even though you don't dream of the day when you finally file for bankruptcy, it may be the best way to regain control of your finances. As you learn more about the process, you can decide if now is the best time to take action. Many people are interested in bankruptcy...
If you're facing financial trouble, it's important to consider all your options for seeking relief. Bankruptcy may not be the first thing you think about, but it could be the best way to improve your finances and provide a fresh start in the future. Here are some key...
You may never want to find yourself thinking about bankruptcy, but if you do, you shouldn't jump ahead until you consider the finer details of the process. It's the information you collect that will help you decide what to do next. Here are five points of emphasis...
When some Americans hear that another person has filed for bankruptcy, they initially think that it has to do with that individual's inability to manage their finances. While this may be the reason that some individuals ultimately have to file, unexpected life changes...
It doesn't take long to get in over your head financially. If you carry a balance on your credit cards, finance your vehicles and have a mortgage, those payments likely consume a significant portion of your pay every month. Getting into a car accident, suddenly...
How stressed are people in Louisiana? Very, according to a recent report. And it appears financial stress is a major contributor to this. The WalletHub report found Louisiana to be the most stressed state in the entire country. The rankings were reached through...
There are a number of reasons why people need to file for bankruptcy. People may need to file because they lost their jobs or a family member experienced a medical emergency. According to the court website, approximately 115 people in central Louisiana file for...
There are many chapters of bankruptcy, which can lead to a lot of confusion about filing. For the sake of personal bankruptcy filings, there are really only two chapters that are common and relevant for most people: Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Most...