If you are declaring bankruptcy, you probably have a lot of concerns about your credit score. You may fear that you will never have good credit again. Filing for bankruptcy does affect your credit, but the damage is not irreparable. Bankruptcy does not...
Imagine that you are in debt to the point that you are keenly aware that your creditors are calling you and mailing you. As a result, you avoid the phone when it rings and you plop your mail down on a table that conveniently stays out of your sight. For lack of a...
One of the commonly understood aspects about student debt is that it can't be discharged through bankruptcy -- unless there are extreme circumstances involved. As such, this form of debt becomes incredibly important to manage for those who have a student loan. But...
As you have dealt with overwhelming debt, you have likely looked at all your options. Once you have decided on filing for bankruptcy as your solution, you may next consider when to file. Does the timing of your filing make a difference in the outcome? The answer...
According to a report from an insolvency practice in Canada, there is a serious stigma that Canadians have with bankruptcy, to the point that most respondents were willing to do nearly anything instead of filing for bankruptcy. More than 2,000 Canadians were surveyed...
Typically when people think about debt that overwhelms an individual, they think about credit card debt or a mortgage that is too much for the person to handle. Student debt is another common reason for someone to suffer serious debt, but of course that is a...
When people get into serious trouble with their finances and the debt piles up, many will eventually turn to a bankruptcy filing. This is a huge step in anyone's life,, and it can lead to many of their debts being discharged (through Chapter 7) or reorganized into a...
We've written a bunch of posts over the last couple of months about the bankruptcy process and how there are some simple, effective steps you can take to progress through the filing. It is an intimidating process -- we can't deny that. Bankruptcy has a stigma and...
Over the last month, we have talked a lot about bankruptcy filings and why you shouldn't be afraid of the process. There are many steps you need to take in order to properly get through your current financial picture, but it can be successfully done. One of the most...
Imagine that you have a mountain of debt that is causing you mental anguish and emotional pain. The stress of the situation cripples you at work, making it impossible for you to concentrate. Every time the phone rings you ignore it, because it's yet another unknown...