Going through bankruptcy can be a challenging experience. It may leave a person feeling unsure about their financial future. However, understanding how to use credit cards responsibly after bankruptcy could help in regaining financial stability. Rely on secured credit...
While bankruptcy can provide the means to relieve burdensome debt, unfortunately some people end up back in financial trouble afterward. If you want to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy after you have already gone through bankruptcy once before, you may wonder if it is...
One of the most important factors for filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the means test. This test determines whether you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy based on your income and expenses. Before you decide if Chapter 7 is right for you, you should know how the means...
When facing financial difficulties, people may find themselves subject to wage garnishment. This involves their employer withholding a portion of their wages to repay debts. For many, this can exacerbate financial strain and make it even more challenging to meet basic...
The fact that bankruptcy causes your credit score to take a hit may make you wonder if you have any shot of getting a new credit card following your bankruptcy. The truth is that you can, though you may have to explore your options carefully to obtain a new card. Even...
Overwhelming debt, a job loss or a medical emergency might force a person to consider the possibility of bankruptcy. While the prospect may fill an individual with anxiety, this legal option can provide protection and offer relief when a household needs it most. While...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a challenging terrain to navigate. Misconceptions often cloud the understanding of this financial process. 1. Losing everything One common misbelief is that filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy means losing all possessions. In reality, Chapter 7...
If you are facing financial challenges and significant debt, they may seem insurmountable. The prospect of bankruptcy might have crossed your mind more than once. Your main concern may be the expenses associated with starting the bankruptcy process. Financial...
One key aspect of your bankruptcy journey is the meeting with your trustee, also called the meeting of creditors. Usually, creditors do not attend. This meeting provides your creditors an opportunity to ask questions about your financial situation, which ensures...
Bankruptcy is a legal process that can provide individuals with a fresh financial start by allowing them to eliminate or reorganize their debts. One of the key benefits of filing for bankruptcy is the protection it offers from creditors. Automatic stay In 2022,...