If you are like many other Americans, and you find yourself struggling to make ends meet and pay bills on time, you may find yourself on the receiving end of some unwanted attention from debt collectors. If you have ever received calls and communications from debt collectors, you probably have an idea of just how aggressive some of these people can be, but you do not have to suffer through harassing or threatening behavior.
While there are efforts debt collectors can make to collect on your debt that fall within their rights, there are also tactics some of them use that cross the line and break the law. For example, debt collectors may not lawfully:
Lie about who they are
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for debt collectors to pretend they are attorneys, law enforcement officials or others in an attempt to try and scare you into paying off your debt. Debt collectors cannot misrepresent who they are in their communications with you, or they will be running afoul of the law.
Call at unreasonable hours
Debt collectors also may not legally call you at all hours of the day and night. More specifically, they may not call you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., even if you have not overtly requested that they contact you outside of these hours.
Contact you at work if told otherwise
A debt collector who continues to attempt to contact you at work after receiving word that he or she cannot do so is also engaging in illegal debt collection methods. If your employer does not permit this type of communications during the workday, and you have already shared this information, but continue to hear from debt collectors at your place of business, you may be able to hold them accountable.
While these are some of the more common illegal debt collection tactics debt collectors sometimes use, this is not an exhaustive list of all collection methods that break the law.
Disclaimer – Attorney Advertising. Under Federal Law, we have been designated a Debt Relief Agency and we help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. This information is not intended as legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is created. Results may vary. Results not guaranteed. Dramatization – not actual clients in pictures and videos. Thomas C. McBride, attorney in Alexandria, LA.