
Debt Relief

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What to avoid when debt collectors call

On Behalf of | Sep 10, 2017 | Debt Relief

Due to a variety of forces, many people end up in outstanding debt. In the state of Louisiana, the average student loan debt was $26,865 in 2015. Those numbers come courtesy of a report published in USA Today

One of the most frightening aspects of too much debt is debt collection. Many collectors utilize sneaky tactics to try to get people to pay. One of those tactics is incessant phone calls. They can become so severe that people stop answering the phone altogether. Anyone in this situation should make sure to avoid the following mistakes when dealing with constant phone calls. 

Lose temper

When a debt collector calls, people should reasonably assume the agent is recording the call. That means getting hostile or using profanity can result in severe consequences if the incident ends up in court. In the eyes of the court, the person screaming is the abusive party, not the collector making constant calls. 

Provide financial information

A good rule of thumb to follow is to never provide information over the phone that someone could use to commit identity fraud. People should never provide their Social Security numbers over the phone or the overall value of the property they own. 

Make promises

To get the collectors off their backs, many people will make promises they cannot deliver on. Some people might say they can start making payments next month. This only hurts them once next month rolls around and they still cannot pay. Additionally, promising to pay makes it seem like the debt is valid, and could hurt in court. 

Pay a small amount

Some people pay a little bit in the hopes of appeasing the collector for the moment. However, this action simply restarts the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations starts over after every payment, so people hoping to run out the clock to file a lawsuit are simply hurting themselves. 

Disclaimer – Attorney Advertising. Under Federal Law, we have been designated a Debt Relief Agency and we help people file for bankruptcy relief under theBankruptcy Code. This information is not intended as legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is created. Results may vary. Results not guaranteed. Dramatization – not actual clients in pictures and videos. Thomas C. McBride, attorney in Alexandria, LA.

